Environmental Responsibility

1. Impact of Enterprises on Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

(1) Regulatory Risks Related to Climate Change:

The company (referred to as "our company") is not included in the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act" announcement's "First Batch of Emission Sources to be Inventoried and Registered." There is no risk of violating regulatory requirements. However, continuous monitoring of domestic and international regulatory changes is ongoing to prepare for potential shifts.

(2) Substantial Risks Related to Climate Change:

  1. Rising costs of water and electricity supply affecting profitability.
  2. Potential impact on the company's reputation if climate change responses do not meet societal expectations.

(3) Opportunities Arising from Climate Change:

The company will continue to assess potential risks and opportunities related to climate change, promoting energy efficiency, carbon reduction, water savings, and waste reduction.

(4) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Direct and Indirect):

The company falls under the third-stage greenhouse gas inventory and verification disclosure schedule for companies with a paid-in capital of less than 5 billion New Taiwan Dollars. External verification has not yet been conducted.

2. Strategies, Methods, and Goals for Greenhouse Gas Management:

(1) Strategies for Climate Change Response:

The company has established operational procedures for identifying and assessing environmental factors. Operational procedures for managing risks and opportunities.

(2) Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Goals:

Annual calculation and disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions on the company website. Implementation of operational procedures for energy conservation and emission reduction.

(3) Budget and Plan for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction:

Budget and planning are expected to start after completing the carbon inventory.

(4) Carbon Reduction Effects of Products or Services:

No carbon inventory for products has been conducted yet; initial focus is on reducing carbon emissions within the company.

3. Enhancing Energy Efficiency:

(1) ISO-14001 Environmental Management System Certificati

The company has already obtained ISO-14001 certification.

(2) Investment in Equipment for Water Treatment:

In 2023, the company purchased electroplating water treatment evaporators and scraper concentrators to efficiently recycle wastewater types and reduce environmental pollution, also lowering the fresh water usage within the facility.

(3) Commitment to Resource Recycling:

The company is dedicated to implementing activities such as resource classification recycling, and it complies with RoHS requirements regarding the control of hazardous environmental substances to maintain global resources and environmental hygiene.

4. Waste Management Policy or Reduction Goals:

The company has established the "Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction Control Operating Procedures" with the aim of conserving energy and protecting the environment

5. Annual greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and total weight of waste

Greenhouse gas emissions (tons of CO2e) Water resources management (metric tons) Wast​e Management (metric tons)
Direct greenhouse
gas emissions
(Category 1)
Energy indirect
(Category 2)
Other indirect
(Category 3)
Water consumption Carbon emissions Hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste Total weight
(hazardous + non-hazardous)
2023 (Note 1)
(Note 2)
2022 (Note 1)
(Note 2)
0.081 -
2021 (Note 1)
(Note 2)
  1. Note 1: Currently only parent company information is disclosed.
  2. Note 2: There is no statistically relevant data.