Employee Care

Our company complies with and refers to relevant laws such as the Labor Standards Act, Employment Services Act, and Gender Equality in Employment Act. We have formulated various management measures to ensure the principles of labor rights and safeguard the legitimate interests of workers. Additionally, we have established education and training methods to encourage employees to enhance their self-competence and professional skills.

Measures to Safeguard Employee Rights:

1. Employee Safety:

  1. Conduct annual inspections by vendors for fire safety.
  2. Ensure daily cleanliness and regular disinfection of workplaces.
  3. Periodically maintain and inspect equipment such as elevators, air conditioners, water dispensers, and pressure vessels.
  4. Conduct occasional external testing for noise, air quality, dust, water, electricity, etc., in the working environment.
  5. Provide safety protection items (masks, earplugs, protective eyewear) and monitor their usage to reduce the occurrence of accidents or occupational injuries.

2. Employee Insurance:

  1. Provide labor insurance (including occupational accident insurance) and national health insurance as required by laws.
  2. Contribute to the employees' retirement fund according to the regulations of the Labor Pension Act.

3. Physical and Mental Health:

  1. Arrange health checks for in-service employees every three years, with annual health checks for employees with more than one year of service.
  2. Implement measures for occupational disease prevention for employees exposed to potential hazards.
  3. Establish rules in the workplace to prevent and handle sexual harassment, maintaining employee rights.
  4. Provide recreational facilities in employee dormitories, including a gym, basketball court, and library for leisure activities.

Employee Welfare:

In the interest of ensuring a collaborative and harmonious work environment, during cash increases, the company allocates shares to employees for subscription under the Company Law. Additionally, during annual financial statements, if profits are achieved, at least 1.5% is allocated to all employees as remuneration. The company has a Welfare Committee that provides support for marriage, bereavement, hospitalization, and organizes annual banquets and periodic employee trips to enhance camaraderie and boost morale.

Contact Information:

  1. Contact Person:Ms. Zhang Suru, Manager of Finance
  2. Contact Phone: +886-2-22672346 #1250
  3. Contact Email: spokesman@plastron.com.tw

Human Rights Policy:

In fulfilling corporate social responsibility and protecting the fundamental human rights of all employees, we adhere to the principles outlined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as well as relevant international human rights conventions. Our policies cover preventing employment discrimination and harassment, eliminating forced labor, ensuring reasonable working hours, and prohibiting child labor.

Human Rights Policy Procedures:

1. Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment:

    No discrimination based on personal characteristics such as age, disability, race, gender, marital status, nationality, political beliefs, religion, or gender identity. Prohibition of verbal abuse, harassment, or any form of mistreatment towards employees. No unreasonable restrictions on employee movements or access to basic facilities.

2. Non-Forced Labor:

  1. Voluntary and equal employment contracts for all employees.
  2. No coercion, deception, or undue influence in hiring employees.
  3. No solicitation of fees, deposits, or guarantees from employees.

3. Control of Working Hours and Legalization of Compensation:

  1. Employees' daily and weekly working hours comply with legal standards.
  2. Employees have the right to refuse overtime work voluntarily.
  3. Provision of statutory special leave, such as annual leave, marriage leave, bereavement leave, and maternity leave, all of which are paid.

4. Prohibition of Child Labor and Rescue:

  1. Absolute prohibition of employing individuals under the age of 15.
  2. Immediate action in case child labor is identified.

Protection Measures for Employee Work Environment and Personal Safety:

To maintain a safe work environment, the company implements the following protective measures:

  1. Daily workplace cleaning.
  2. Monthly elevator maintenance.
  3. Monthly replacement of water dispenser filters and water quality testing.
  4. Annual fire safety inspections and office-wide disinfection.
  5. Bi-annual fire safety training for employees by external entities.
  6. Bi-annual professional training for fire management.
  7. Health checks for in-service employees every three years, with annual health checks for employees with more than one year of service.
  8. Implementation of measures to prevent sexual harassment with established reporting and disciplinary procedures.

If employees have any suggestions, they can bring them up during regular department meetings or submit written suggestions to the company's suggestion box, which will be handled by designated personnel.

For any further inquiries, please contact Ms. Zhang Suru, Manager of Finance,

  1. at +886-2-22672346 #1250 or
  2. via spokesman@plastron.com.tw